Debunk the Myths of Personal Motivation! (Part I)Most of us have grand dreams and aspirations. We want to have a wonderful loving family, a job that pays us huge sums of money, a great...
Making Managers Great LeadersWhat so you think is the primary role of a manager? To produce results, that’s it! And the only way to do this is through the efforts of...
Leadership MattersLeadership has many definitions for many people. When you type Leadership into, how many book titles do you think you get?...
Solution Focused in " 10 Key Points that Made a Great Team! ”Having a great team is a cornerstone of organizational success. Lack of clarity about purpose is a frequent cause of team failure. As a...
Solution Focused in Building a Great Team (Growing Importance of Teams)A team is a group of people, usually between 3 and 12, with diverse experiences and complimentary skills, and who work together to...
Solution Focused in Building a Great Team (Group VS Team)Think of 20 people riding on a bus, just like what you see in the picture. They are together in the bus heading in the same direction, at...
Solution Focused S.M.A.R.T.E.S.T. GoalsGoal-setting is a very important part of our lives because the whole human endeavor is geared towards setting and achieving goals....